Motoziel and Edelweiss

I don't know what depths of the internet you've crawled to reach this, but its going to be worth it. While going through recent news articles, I got this hot buzz that I'm throwing at you right now. Handle with no care at all, jump in excitement instead. Gurgaon based Motoziel and Austria's Edelweiss are coming up with a joint venture targeted at offering bike touring packages domestically as well as internationally! What say?

18 bikes from brands like Harley Davidson, Triumph, Honda, BMW, Suzuki, Royal Enfield, Ducati and Kawasaki could be under your tashreef for anywhere between Rs.5500 to Rs.2 lakh.
Offering pre-designed along with customisable tours for a few hours to even 14 days thrill under the guidance of international experts, the company will be focused to North and North East parts of the country for now. "Besides, we will also focus on Rajasthan during the winter months and later South India too. With Edelweiss, we will begin bike tours for Europe. They will take care of the service part there. We are also looking at neighboring regions like Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh and also Tibet." Motoziel Co-Founder and Executive Director Biswaroop Banerjee said.

See you later, I gotta pack. :D

The race of tourism

Domestic tourists bypassed foreign tourists, registering a growth of 11.63%.
Tamil Nadu bagging the first place for the second time in a row, to have accommodated the highest number of foreign tourists in 2015, left behind Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi at second, third and fourth positions respectively. Others that accredited their names to the top ten include (with the number of foreign tourists in millions)-
1. Tamil Nadu-      4.68
2. Maharashtra-     4.41 
3. Uttar Pradesh-   3.1
4. Delhi-                2.38
5. West Bengal-     1.49
6. Rajasthan-         1.48
7. Kerala-              0.98
8. Bihar-                0.92
9. Karataka-          0.64
10. Goa-                0.54

According to the tourism ministry data, India owns a place in the world's top 5 medical tourist hot destinations, with its medical tourism sector being a worth of whopping US$3 billion (as estimated in October 2015), attracting over a million patients a year from 121 countries!

Mention in comments if you want me to put together a post on price comparisons, of going through various  medical treatments, in India and in various destinations abroad.
Its always great to hear from you!
