If you’re here, I assume, you’re a backpacker kind of adventurer. Actually, to be very honest, i believe everyone is! There is one solo backpacker traveller in every single soul wandering this Earth. All you need to do to awaken it is give it a little kick start.
I wander even while i write, don’t I? ;p
Well, most of us here are working our bums through to sneak into our lives a little more life and killing every idealist thought here and now, everything ends on money. I rightly heard on some TV show recently- Maya hai, tabhi to sukh ki chhaya hai (there is wealth, that is why there is contentment). After all, all of us can’t opt for sanyaas to travel Himalayas now. We will have to keep working, making ends meet and amidst all of that, manage to save enough to fulfil our heart’s longing too.
To make the process start quicker for you, I’d give you today my own tried and tested well kept saving secrets and you may have it all a little easy at your end.
This is a list of things that no one is going to tell you to do but which, by simply applying to your everyday life, can fill that jar of savings of yours pretty soon.. a little everyday.
(Here's a pretty and classy money bank for you to start.)
Handicrafted Wooden Money Bank Elephant Decor |
Why let go off the extra edge over your budget- Every drop counts in making of an ocean and so does every hard earned penny going into the savings jar everyday. Be it a few coins or a note of any denomination that you feel comfortable of letting go in a day, put it into the jar! You may be doing a lot more to save other than collecting coins like a kid but you can’t ignore the very basics, especially when theres nothing to loose. You’ll thank me later for this not so helpful sounding piece of advice.
- Don’t cut on the caffeine, cut on the coffee- Obvious need of caffeine of obviously everyone needs to be obviously fulfilled everyday, so obvious! *sips coffee*. I was out recently with a friend, sipping coffee in CCD, talking about how we could save soon enough and that actually with least possible felt cut on our pockets. It was not soon that we realised we were drinking out of 250 bucks shaped as a pretty white coffee mug served to us with a chocolate powder smile on top of it. That was when we reordered the priorities and concluded that I’d rather drink a Rs. 40-50 coffee in a less fancy seating now, to be able to spend a few days drinking the rest worth of it on a vacation somewhere. And if you can still do more for your traveller heart, why not just brew your own coffee? I do that 95% of the times & bonus, I have a new skill (called- making great coffee) now. I also use a traveller mug in the morning to avoid heading straight to a coffee shop as the first thing in the day out.
- Be a grandma- Many a times I've been called being a grandma for hoarding on the coupons and being on a constant lookout for deals that would help me not to keep off from spending on the whole but at least spend less. I'm a fan of amazon in this case, it throw out daily deals giving considerable discounts on various categories. It just be on for a few hours though. Don't be ashamed to take steps to save and declare outright "This grandma travels. And kids, she travel on her own funds." *likeaboss* Your link to getting daily deals on amazon-->
- Passive income- Find a way to earn some income on the left hand while you carry on working with your right. It might not upright be enough for you as soon as you start, but 1. It'll rise with time. 2. Everything is adding something. There are several ways to attain it and most of them doesn't require you to technically 'work'. For instance if you have a taste in writing, be a part time freelance writer. Good writers can get upto Rs.300 or more per write-up. Or you can teach someone something you love to do, like giving a weekend guitar class maybe? Think about it and with little efforts you can push your savings a bit more in upward direction.
- Savings account- One thing you got to do right away is open a savings account in a bank with good interest terms. However good you be at controlling those desires; when you have cash at hand, the universe automatically conspires to bring up spending needs.
- Recurring account- This is one form of a savings account in which you deposit funds regularly (or redirect them to it automatically from your salaried account per month). The difference here is that it is opened for a certain period of time, and you can not withdraw the funds before that! For those of you with little control over the shopping mood syndrome.
- Learn new skills- By learn, here, I don't mean taking classes. But i mean taking up the charge in your hands of little things that you can do by yourself with a little extra time and effort but, somehow, end up paying for it everyday. Laundry- Hand wash clothes and they'll be happy too! Your clothes life will increase by 30%. Cooking- A little experiment food sometimes doesn't really hurt as bad as it looks :p
- Walk- Yes, that's a thing. Savings are not always seen as notes going into that jar but its also the few days more that your vehicle worked on that petrol, or the accumulated rickshaw change that will now buy you tickets instead or the money left unspent in your wallet at month end. Declare all of it your savings, coz you earned it, from yourself, with your own extra efforts.
- Invest in a cycle- Cycling is so shockingly under rated in our country. Take time in calculating the amount spent on fuel out of all your expenses recorded. People will cycle in the gym but not on the roads. No, not just kids use cycles. You must encourage fuel saving methods here and there on the short routes of your routine as it will also help the environment as much as it'll help you. win-win.
- Workout at home- Not all of us necessarily need those bulky mechanisms at the gym to stay fit. Unless of course you're looking forward to build Johny Bravo muscles before going on that vacation, then may the force be with you XP
Try incorporating these habits into your life. The mantra is very basic-
Savings doesn't always be visible to you throughout the month. Sometimes it tests you through time and show at the end in the form of unspent money in your wallet. Proudly take it all, my friend, and put it in your savings jar ;)
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