My heart is calling out loud the need to fill my lungs with air from a different place. The last vacation has been a month! Thats a real long time for such a wandering heart. Do you relate? On that point, guys, do you have a one stop destination for the loads of information that goes into planning a vacay...? Most of you would say "what! one? phsss noo!" and I'd say "exactly bro".

There are so many sources offering scattered little bits of the travel information I'm desperately looking for and oh I love spending hours doing the treasure hunt, said no one ever. XD

Every little source combined together isn't enough to feed the pounding excitement going on in that blood-pumping little buddy inside you. So why not I list out for you the most promising lot of all where you can spend those hours reading and scrolling stuff, and dreaming in satisfaction later?


These cozy spaces owned by the fellow wanderers are, trust me, a real treasure. I always want to go through a ton of pictures from the places I'm planning to visit. And by pictures I mean real pictures! The sight that I'll witness too, of course along with those perfectly framed, in a out of the box point of view, kind of photographs. The blogs share not only photographs but experiences that you can always count on plus all the good and bad information you'll need- to plan up a route, hotel stay, food you'll find, type of people, attractions, hidden gems and things that you just might add new to your bucket list. Also, they are usually happy to help people willing to solve every info-query you'd have for them. win-win! There are countless of these now-a-days, so find and follow the ones you understand and adore and of course the ones you can personally relate with, because the blogger's personal experience is what you're gonna count on, makes sense?

Well, when I finish travelling about 5-10% places of my heart, you'd be most welcome to My Pixel Diary (shameless self promotion).


You sure already are aware of the top few websites offering you packaged tours as well as assistance for various bookings that are involved in planning a tour. You are the master alone for your choices, you don't need to book a package to peek in information from this source. Various different packages will provide you the information on all kinds of custom itineraries; which would in turn include every spot that you'll find 90% tourists on. Now pick these current hot spots and search them individually for the information you desire. ;) Also, you must always go through the comments and reviews and stories that people leave behind from their own experiences and many-a-times queries (solved or unsolved) that you may have too.


On social media platforms you have the option to specifically follow just what you want and ignore the rest. Your favourite bloggers and tour organisers will probably go around the world and tell the world about it all too. But under here you can follow, for example, the only-Himalayas-travellers/groups/pages/accounts, or whatever it is that you wish to see... without distractions!
This one is especially for those who can't yet decide where to head on! Personally, apart from the countless articles I read over time, Instagram is one place which always amaze me with pictures of places I missed when I visited that town, or towns that I didn't even hear of until the picture. It also does a lot of adding up to my ever growing bucket list. It'll happily keep you updated on events and less known attractions in your very own hometown too. Again, you'll have a real wide choice of traveller accounts and picture featuring accounts to follow. Look up to the ones that serve the desires of your heart.
Everyone's favourite new- all time hangout, Facebook, got you covered. If you want to or probably already follow groups where members share pictures and stories from their vacations, this option is the best one if you have oh-I'm-so-excited questions that you want to fill the experienced person with. This is also the only place, I personally feel, you'll get the quickest response or say, you will get a response! (yes, pun intended) :p


Never underestimate the power of a good book! There are so many to list like those having a heart throbbing ton of information from a particular state, or the widely famous ones like Lonely Planet India. You'll find in them worthy places that you maybe wouldn't have visited otherwise and along with that you have access to the dusty history. Its like your very own guide in your hand and this particular lot of information is the one responsible for changing how your eyes brighten up on what you'll see on your next wanderlust. 

Did i miss out on something from your go-to list? Let us know in the comments ! 
Gyan baantne se badhta hai :p
